Who we are

Marco and Isa, together for over 20 years. And little Leonardo who has been enriching our family with joy for a few years!

With “La Casa nel Bosco” we decided to invest in the area where we were born and raised, where we have our loved ones, many of our friends and the most beautiful childhood memories. And, though life has led us to live a few kilometers away from our beloved Ripatransone, in this way we want to maintain a strong bond with the territory in which we grew up, a territory to which we are tied and which we think still has vast possibilities of development.

The “Casa nel Bosco” was a discovery of beauty for us, where silence and tranquility reign, very close to the village. A house in which we first of all want to offer our guests carefreeness and comfort, and a stay dedicated to relaxation and our typical character, so that here all the senses can come to life and strength!

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